Get to know our growers - the people who produce the food you eat every day! We are constantly adding to this page so check back regularly to find out more about the organic growers who work hard to make your food so good!
Our Pricing Policy & Philosophy
We have been working with many of our growers and suppliers for over 20 years. We do not chop and change the locations from which our produce is coming during the season, because we know who has the good stuff : )
We are very loyal shoppers at Lettuce Deliver and so are returned the same loyalty by our farmers and wholesalers. Loyalty results in our suppliers and growers going above and beyond to ensure we have consistant and ongoing quality supply.
We give information to the growers of our choice (often through our wonderful Sydney Wholesalers), based on quality, about the quantities we require through out their season. We pay fair prices and run ‘SPECIALS’ from time to time......because the Farmer is at the very peak of the season or has to pick quickly due to changes in weather.
We feel very good about the sustainable way in which we shop for you. We pay our farmers and suppliers fair prices for the produce and services they provide us, and do so knowing that they will still be around next season to do it all over again.
Remember….Certified Organic Produce is all about sustainability, so feel good about paying fair prices for quality produce. We are for the big picture and are truly working towards a sustainable Australia.
Charlie & Vic Galea (coming soon)
Jarcman Herbs (coming soon)
Joe Cremona (coming soon)